Books for Memory Improvement. Part 3.

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More articles:
1) 30 Best Memory Improvement Books;
2) 9 Books to Read That Make You Smarter;
3) 7 Speed Reading Exercises.
- "Brain Food: The Surprising Science of Eating for Cognitive Power" Lisa Mosconi PhD;
- "Neurofitness: A Brain Surgeon’s Secrets to Boost Performance and Unleash Creativity" Rahul Jandial MD PhD;
- "Your Complete Guide to Building A Memory Palace" Graham Best;
1. "Everyday Memory: Easy Ways to Remember Names, Dates, Facts, Lectures, Directions, Instructions, Events, Experiences, and Much More (Mental Performance)" (Kam Knight)
Best Sellers Rank: #89,631 in Books.
- #39 in Study Skills (Books)
Amazon reviews:
"Overall hands down best memory book out there right now and you will be hard pressed to find such organized knowledge for so little"
"I don't want to give away everything you’ll learn in this book, but just to give you an idea about three or four of the techniques I learned from this book and found helpful, they were repetition, visualization, association and stories."
"I wish I had this book when I was in school. I was subconsciously using many of these techniques, but if I had a structure, I would have probably achieved same results with much less effort. The book starts by quoting some good research on how memory works, and goes all the way into details such as how to makes quick notes. And for all those who have difficulty remembering names, there is help there for you too !!!!"
"This book presents tips that are simple to apply. The author shows how everyday memory works in a natural way. Remembering names, dates, etc... and how the brain understands and processes information."
2. "The Art of Making Memories: How to Create and Remember Happy Moments" (Meik Wiking)
Best Sellers Rank: #45,488 in Books.
- #136 in Cultural Anthropology (Books)
- #733 in Happiness Self-Help
- #1,632 in Motivational Self-Help (Books)
Amazon reviews:
"I am really loving this uplifting, inspired book! It's helped me to begin the journey to record my own memories in short and succinct anecdotes. I've started leaving memories in a journal for my kids much like the author shares memories with us."
"Light but deep, engaging and entertaining, great book for a cozy cup of tea or by the beach on a vacation, cool tips and lovely stories!"
"This book includes many interesting facts about the how we remember, what we remember, and why we remember. He gives advice on ways to use this data to create your own happy memories. Whether you want to implement those strategies or not, this book is worth a read for all the insights and embarrassing stories."
Books quotes:
"Our lives are not the days that have passed, but the days we will remember forever."
"When choosing what to do, take into account what you are most likely to remember in ten years' time."
"It might be the reason why life seems to speed up as we get older. When we're in our teens, there are a lot of firsts, while firsts at fifty are rarer."
3. "The Science of Self-Learning: How to Teach Yourself Anything, Learn More in Less Time, and Direct Your Own Education" (Peter Hollins)
Best Sellers Rank: #97,595 in Books.
- #42 in Study Skills (Books)
- #50 in Adult & Continuing Education (Books)
- #2,965 in Motivational Self-Help (Books)
Amazon reviews:
"Great book and fundamentally changed the way I think about learning. It gave me a formula and framework to be an absolutely incredible learner. I am excited to apply all of this information."
"This is a great book that will change the way you approach learning. I am surprised that they do not teach these techniques in schools and colleges. I highly recommend reading this book."
"Wonderfully written, didn't drone on and on, and had great examples. This is one of those books that as you're reading you just keep saying "duhhh why haven't I been thinking like that all along." Anyone can learn anything, and with this book now you have a system to follow to actually achieve your goals. "
Books quotes:
"There’s not a single subject you can’t understand with perseverance and the occasional stretch of hard work. Resolve yourself to not giving up. Make plans for how you will learn. Be forgiving of yourself if you need to take a lot of time and mark your progress as you go along."
"For the self-learner, this process means organizing yourself and your materials to facilitate gathering information, studying, comprehending, and testing yourself on what you’ve learned."
"Self-learning benefits from a mindset that isn’t always picked up in traditional institutions, but that can prove to be a major advantage in more than just education. That’s the mindset of the autodidact."
4. "Brain Food: The Surprising Science of Eating for Cognitive Power" (Lisa Mosconi PhD)
Best Sellers Rank: #27,179 in Books.
- #33 in Memory Improvement Self-Help
- #36 in Dementia
- #160 in Cognitive Psychology (Books)
Amazon reviews:
"There are some great ideas for improving brain health in this book. Mostly involve eating and lifestyle habits."
"Easy to read. Lisa Mosconi is answering a lot of my why questions. Highly Recommend!"
"I have been feeling a bit ‘brain foggy’ recently and was looking to improve this. I’m interested in nutrition anyway so was pleased to find this book. It’s a great read. Lots of interesting information."
Books quotes:
"It is this continuous exposure to food that makes diet the most important factor ever to affect our DNA."
"In the meantime, here’s my advice. If an hour spent doing software drills, sitting alone in front of your computer or tablet, is an hour spent instead of walking, reading a book, or going to a show with your friends, then it’s probably not worth it. If, however, you choose to play these brain games instead of sitting in bed or on the couch mindlessly watching TV, by all means, play brain games instead. In this case, you might be surprised to learn that, among all the intellectual activities at our disposal, the human brain seems to actually have a favorite. It loves board games the most."
"If you want to make sure your brain has enough opportunities to clean itself, guard your sleep, especially during the first part of the night."
5. "Neurofitness: A Brain Surgeon’s Secrets to Boost Performance and Unleash Creativity" (Rahul Jandial MD PhD)
Best Sellers Rank: #681,762 in Books.
- #137 in Memory Improvement (Kindle Store)
- #156 in Cognitive Neuroscience & Cognitive Neuropsychology
- #523 in Memory Improvement Self-Help
Amazon reviews:
"Dr. Jandial gives great insight on how to boost our memory and increase our work/school performance that anyone at any age level can use. The best part of his tips and recommendations are that they is so easy to follow that anyone can do it! Thanks Dr. Jandial for this gift!"
"Amazing book from an exceptionally gifted human being. I highly recommend it!"
"Dr. Jandial presents helpful brain fitness tips in a straight forward and compelling way. You’ll learn a lot from this book!"
Books quotes:
"Being able to switch between two languages, the researchers concluded, improves a person’s ability to maintain focus and attention."
"Most of what happened yesterday, let alone last week or last year, is literally deleted from your brain at night."
"One thing we know that humans and other mammals do during sleep is to transform short-term memories stacked up during the day into memories that can last a lifetime."
"people who spoke more than one language developed symptoms of dementia about four years later than people who spoke only one"
6. "How We Learn: The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why It Happens" (Benedict Carey)
Best Sellers Rank: #79,062 in Books.
- #73 in Educational Psychology (Books)
- #79 in Memory Improvement Self-Help
- #375 in Cognitive Psychology (Books)
Amazon reviews:
"This book wasn't boring like I thought it would be.. it was actually a good read and I recommend that college students purchase it."
"Hopefully this book will be required reading in teacher preparation classes, and in schools that are searching for research-based ideas for how to improve learning in classrooms."
"Really well researched and written. Brings us up to date with brain research and learning."
Books quotes:
"In plain English: The act of guessing engaged your mind in a different and more demanding way than straight memorization did, deepening the imprint of the correct answers. In even plainer English, the pretest drove home the information in a way that studying-as-usual did not."
"Answering does not only measure what you remember, it increases overall retention"
"“Once a goal becomes activated, it trumps all others and begins to drive our perceptions, our thoughts, our attitudes,” as John Bargh, a psychologist at Yale University, told me."
7. "How to Teach Anything: Break Down Complex Topics and Explain with Clarity, While Keeping Engagement and Motivation" (Peter Hollins)
Best Sellers Rank: #186,159 in Books.
- #131 in Medical Applied Psychology
- #187 in Educational Psychology (Books)
- #343 in Popular Applied Psychology
Amazon reviews:
"Some of the information was familiar and some was new. Very nicely organized. Makes me look forward to further readings!"
"As a professional tutor, I was gratified to read the strategies and methods I was using are reflected in this book. However, the depth it goes into; all I can say is WOW."
"Teaching other people about anything takes a great deal of concentration and motivation, but this book really breaks it down for us. It goes into how to teach faster, keep engagement high, and allow people to be curious. Anyone can learn how to teach!"
Books quotes:
"seeing knowledge from the perspective of the one who has to communicate it to someone else."
"The wonderful side effect is that mastering the role of an effective teacher has a way of making you a better learner, as you become familiar with learning and knowledge acquisition as a worthy subject in itself."
"When learning something new, we use our working memory, but once the information is assimilated, we commit it to long-term memory in the form of mental schemas."
8. "Shit I Need To Remember: Internet Password Logbook: A Password Log Book, Journal & Notebook for Disorganized People" (Honey Badger Coloring)
Best Sellers Rank: #224,098 in Books.
- #170 in Memory Improvement Self-Help
- #3,508 in Success Self-Help
Amazon reviews:
"I don't know anyone who can remember the myriad of passwords needed to navigate the internet, and I used to keep a notebook, but would spend time searching for the site I wanted in it. This has an alphabetical organization so even if you add new passwords and sites, they can be easily accessed. Love it!"
"Nice, quality book with plenty of pages that are alphabetized."
"Perfect for my parents who are in their mid70’s. They thought the title was hilarious and use it daily. It keeps their passwords organized."
9. "Your Complete Guide to Building A Memory Palace" (Graham Best)
Best Sellers Rank: #58,867 in Kindle Store.
- #12 in Memory Improvement (Kindle Store)
- #24 in Alzheimer's Disease
- #43 in Business Communication Skills
Amazon reviews:
"I’ve read about method of loci/ memory palace from a number of different sources, and this author nails it. Super easy to follow, short and concise… clarity you can only get from someone who has used this method for years. If you’re learning this method, this is probably the only book you need to read (do as he says and practice the exercises)."
"I found the techniques easier to learn than trying to remember period. Once I learned how to use my places/palaces, remembering was a breeze."
"f you don't know what a memory palace is, this is a very accessible book. It's short, with large print, and plenty of opportunities to practice."
10. "Keep Your Brain Alive: 83 Neurobic Exercises To Help Prevent Memory Loss And Increase Mental Fitness" (Lawrence Katz)
Best Sellers Rank: #44,304 in Books.
- #53 in Memory Improvement Self-Help
- #61 in Dementia
- #135 in Logic & Brain Teasers (Books)
Amazon reviews:
"... a good number of neurobic exercises are given in the main body of the book. Also, the importance of the different parts of the brain, especially that of the hippocampus are highlighted. Some of the exercises seemed to be somewhat of a repeat of earlier ones; nevertheless, they are meant to work if one takes it seriously to exercise the brain so to add neurotrophins to neurons, in order to make the dendrites grow and get stronger."
"I enjoy the book it’s very informative and I do believe it is helping. The exercises are very helpful."
"The real value of this book is that it provides some interesting exercises to keep your mind, active, healthy and strong. It also suggests many other ways to exercise your mind in order to improve yourself. If you are seeking a practical and informative book that will help you increase your mental fitness you should check out this book. I found it a fascinating read."
Books quotes:
"An active brain is a healthy brain, while inaction leads to reduced brain fitness. Or, in simpler words—“Use it or lose it.”"
"Get dressed for work with your eyes closed. Eat a meal with your family in silence."
"To change your usual morning olfactory association—waking to the smell of freshly brewed coffee—wake up to something different—vanilla, citrus, peppermint, or rosemary. Keep an extract of your favorite aroma in an airtight container on your bedside table for a week and release it when you first awaken"