15 Books To Read to Change Your Life
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Here are the top 15 books that will change your life. Read them to shape your thinking and improve your lifestyle.
- "Four Thousand Weeks" Oliver Burkeman;
- "Unconditional Parenting" Alfie Kohn;
- "Never Split the Difference" Chris Voss;
- "Models" Mark Manson;
- "Die with Zero" Bill Perkins;
- "Happy Sexy Millionaire" Steven Bartlett;
- "Can't Hurt Me" David Goggins;
- "Educated" Tara Westover;
- "How to Not Die Alone" Logan Ury;
- "The Millionaire Fastlane" MJ DeMarco;
- "Traction" Gino Wickman;
- "It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work" Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson;
- "The Great CEO Within" Matt Mochary;
- "The New One Minute Manager" Kenneth H. Blanchard, Spencer Johnson;
- "The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive" Patrick Lencioni;
1. "Four Thousand Weeks" (Oliver Burkeman)
Best Sellers Rank: 15,263 in Kindle Store.
- #1 in Social Psychology & Interactions (English)
- #1 in Time in Physics (English)
- #2 in Self-help for Stress Management (English).
Amazon reviews:
"This is a very much recommended book for those who were looking for the connection between our daily struggles with time and the ultimate time management lie. It invites us to the challenge to make the best out of our four thousand weeks on earth. We are all able to do things differently on a small or large scale."
"Time management books focus on optimisation, yet time seems to never be enough. 4000 weeks is about choices, personal choices and acknowledging that no matter how much we optimise, our time is finite. More, in the broad sense (cosmic time scale), our time and lives are irrelevant so why not focusing on what matters to us (choices)?"
"The ideas in this book are floating around in the ether at the moment. It's the antidote to the productivity, work smart, squeeze every moment philosophy that's been around for 20 or 30 years. There's books about rest, 4 day week initiatives and a growing realisation that trying to be more productive is only making us more stressed. So I think it's fair to say that Burkeman won't be the only person to write this book, but I do think he will have written the best and most thoughtful iteration of it."
Books quotes:
"Productivity is a trap. Becoming more efficient just makes you more rushed, and trying to clear the decks simply makes them fill up again faster."
"mortality makes it impossible to ignore the absurdity of living solely for the future."
"We’ve been granted the mental capacities to make almost infinitely ambitious plans, yet practically no time at all to put them into action."
"The world is bursting with wonder, and yet it’s the rare productivity guru who seems to have considered the possibility that the ultimate point of all our frenetic doing might be to experience more of that wonder."
2. "Unconditional Parenting" (Alfie Kohn)
Best Sellers Rank: 73,906 in Books.
- #23 in Teenagers (English)
- #30 in School-Age Children (English)
- #473 in Toddlers' Development & Health (Books)
Amazon reviews:
"This book is not about parenting, is about how the traditional disciplining mechanisms created on us the fear of failure, difficulties to say no, anxious people pleasing behaviors... So many behaviors that pull us down, and how not to repeat the same mistake to our children.
It is a change of mindset and not a toolbox."
"How to treat your children with respect, how to help them to become moral persons without manipulating them, and many more issues that as a parent seem very relevant to me. Very interesting point of view."
"An excellent and challenging book with lots of useful strategies. (Be open minded and prepared to question yourself!) Particularly helpful when considering how to promote intrinsic motivation in both behaviour and morality in children."
Books quotes:
"The way kids learn to make good decisions is by making decisions, not by following directions."
"In short, with each of the thousand-and-one problems that present themselves in family life, our choice is between controlling and teaching, between creating an atmosphere of distrust and one of trust, between setting an example of power and helping children to learn responsibility, between quick-fix parenting and the kind that's focused on long-term goals."
"How we feel about our kids isn't as important as how they experience those feelings and how they regard the way we treat them."
3. "Never Split the Difference" (Chris Voss)
Best Sellers Rank: 32,811 in Books.
- #1 in Reference Materials (Foreign Language)
- #996 in Practical & Motivational Self Help
- #80 in Presentations (Books)
Amazon reviews:
"I've read a number of books on communication (I even have a linguistics degree) but non which was this concrete at offering practical advice. Voss offers templates. The system is quite useful and actually works. I didn't read this book because I aim to make better business deals Voss teaches his system as a means to disagree without being disagreeable. That's the real value here. What makes the book such a good read is the stories of negotiations which frame the theory and communication tips."
"Great book. The stories Chris tells helps me to retain the concepts he's putting across and those concepts really do seem to work."
"If you read this amazing book, you got the reference. You know how important it is to ask questions and let the other part feel they they are in control during the negotiation. Throughout the book, you will get a comprehensive guide with a plethora of actionables that you can and will want to use immediately in any negotiation."
Books quotes:
"He who has learned to disagree without being disagreeable has discovered the most valuable secret of negotiation."
"Conflict brings out truth, creativity, and resolution."
"Negotiate in their world. Persuasion is not about how bright or smooth or forceful you are. It’s about the other party convincing themselves that the solution you want is their own idea. So don’t beat them with logic or brute force. Ask them questions that open paths to your goals. It’s not about you."
"If you approach a negotiation thinking the other guy thinks like you, you are wrong. That's not empathy, that's a projection."
4. "Models" (Mark Manson)
Best Sellers Rank: #10,831 in Books.
- #44 in Dating (Books)
- #119 in Love & Romance (Books)
- #413 in Personal Transformation Self-Help
Amazon reviews:
"Here's my opinion, take it for what it's worth... I would recommend this book based on my experience, and I think it is great for beginners to intermediate."
"If you are a guy and can see through the BS of most "dating advice" from self-proclaimed "pickup artists" or are someone who hates feeling like he has to perform (like a dog doing tricks) to attract women, this book is an incredible guide to becoming the best version of yourself to attract the women whom you deserve."
"This book is not just about how to get more women if you’re single, but how to be MORE of a man, how to enter and stay in your ZONE. God bless you, Mark Manson."
Books quotes:
"Rejection exists for a reason — it’s a means to keep people apart who are not good for each other."
"Seduction is the process by which a man induces a woman to become as invested in him as he is in her."
"What are your rough edges that people can’t find anywhere else? What have you done that will make you stand out in her mind?"
5. "Die with Zero" (Bill Perkins)
Best Sellers Rank: 34,741 in Kindle Store.
- #584 in Budgeting & Money Management (Books)
- #1,112 in Motivational Management & Leadership
- #2,135 in Happiness Self-Help
Amazon reviews:
"I really loved this book. I know of Bill Perkins from poker and this book helped me a lot with understanding how important it is to live life and have some good life experiences rather than always looking to save money/do the less risky thing/etc."
"After an interview with the author on the James Altucher show, I purchased the book. It's a good read to contemplate one's financial situation and what's important in life. The author recommends experiences over saving money. This is a good strategy if there is enough money to go around in the first place. As he is rich, it's probably easier to say to enjoy life more, than for people trying to make enough to put food on the table. It's thought-provoking for sure."
"Work to live; not live to work. We have heard that cliche, but Bill Perkins elaborates on it; in a logical way. His emphasis on optimization is a key point."
Books quotes:
"The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end that’s all there is."
"Many psychological studies have shown that spending money on experiences makes us happier than spending money on things."
"What I am an advocate for is deciding what makes you happy and then converting your money into the experiences you choose."
6. "Happy Sexy Millionaire" (Steven Bartlett)
Best Sellers Rank: #33,638 in Books.
- #264 in Self-Esteem (Books)
- #777 in Success Self-Help
- #1,463 in Memoirs (Books)
Amazon reviews:
"Unique book with unique story. Genuinely inspiring wisdom that completed some puzzles of my personality. Amount of gems is mind blowing"
"This book is hard to describe. I’d say it’s a combination of self help and existential philosophy while providing commentary on our current society’s culture. Before I go any further, you should absolutely buy this book. But I feel like this book should come with a disclaimer along the lines of “eye opening, philosophical journey contemplating existential questions”. This book will draw you in and keep you wanting more. At least every other page I found myself saying YES. Full disclosure - I’m only 100 pages in.
The book title can be misleading to those that haven’t listened to Steven’s podcast, but I can assure you this is not your typical self help book. Like I said, hard to describe. This is the anti-hustle porn book."
"the book feels like an honest sharing from a successful young entrepreneur. it inspires you to live life better with awareness that what’s truly essential in life. Highly recommended, very insightful."
Books quotes:
"They trap you in the toxic narrative that quitting is a weakness, an easy way out or, worse yet, that quitting is failure. I assure you – quitting is for winners and quitting is a skill."
"Maybe you’ve always been happy, but the world, social media and external comparisons have convinced you that you can’t possibly be."
"If you truly care about being happy in your life and successful in your work, you have little choice. You have to become the author of your own ‘script’, one written by your heart, not one directed by your society."
7. "Can't Hurt Me" (David Goggins)
Best Sellers Rank: #3,329 in Books.
- #132 in Success Self-Help
- #172 in Personal Transformation Self-Help
- #185 in Motivational Self-Help (Books)
Amazon reviews:
"This book is brilliant. It just shows how powerful human mind can be based on Goggin’s story. Recommend to read it if you feel like you have some limits, there are no limits we just like to live comfortable life without any obstacles. Stay strong."
"Great compelling amd inspiring story."
"One of the best books I've read, life-changing. Really gave me a different outlook on life and its challenges."
"This is my favorite book. I love the determination that David Goggins has. I love that there is a clean version that my teenagers can read, because the original version is pretty foul"
Books quotes:
"The reason it’s important to push hardest when you want to quit the most is because it helps you callous your mind."
"Everything in life is a mind game! Whenever we get swept under by life’s dramas, large and small, we are forgetting that no matter how bad the pain gets, no matter how harrowing the torture, all bad things end. That forgetting happens the second we give control over our emotions and actions to other people, which can easily happen when pain is peaking."
"It came from personal accountability which brought me self-respect, and self-respect will always light a way forward."
8. "Educated" (Tara Westover)
Best Sellers Rank: #553,356 in Books.
- #753 in Parenting & Family Reference
- #5,980 in Women's Biographies
Amazon reviews:
"For some time, I've seen this title come up in Amazon's suggested readings for me but the title did not appeal to me. About a month before I decided to purchase the book, I was wondering what my next read should be, and I decided to read some of the reviews on this book. Admittedly, I didn't want to read much; just enough to see if I might consider reading it. Well, the reviews I perused were rather insightful, and I decided to read this book. What an amazing story! Sometimes our family bonds need to be severed so that we might live and grow. I was amazed at how Tara was able to successfully pursue and attain her educational goals, given the toxic familial environment she had to simultaneously overcome. There are many layers to this story, and yet Tara presents a focused account. As for the title, I cannot imagine a more perfect title for her memoir. My grade for this story is undeniably an A+."
"Some autobiographical memoirs of traumatic childhoods are
self-pitying and self- absorbed. This one is not. The author gives a balanced picture of her troubled family,in which madness is combined with ingenuity, intelligence and grit, and of the wider Mormon community in which she grew up. It provides a fascinating insight into the complex effects of mental illness on family relationships and the individual. It is also a moving story of one individual's successful struggle to overcome those effects and live a satisfying life."
Books quotes:
"But vindication has no power over guilt. No amount of anger or rage directed at others can subdue it, because guilt is never about them. Guilt is the fear of one’s own wretchedness. It has nothing to do with other people."
"I had begun to understand that we had lent our voices to a discourse whose sole purpose was to dehumanize and brutalize others—because nurturing that discourse was easier, because retaining power always feels like the way forward."
"The skill I was learning was a crucial one, the patience to read things I could not yet understand."
9. "How to Not Die Alone" (Logan Ury)
Best Sellers Rank: #42,362 in Books.
- #145 in Dating (Books)
- #361 in Love & Romance (Books)
- #379 in Marriage
Amazon reviews:
"I sit in awe how a book can expose so much cynicism, delusion, untruths, baggage, and foolishness buried deep inside of me, in two sittings. An impassioned, authentic, believable, and rigorous book. All must read!"
"You are likely to not agree with everything in this book but that doesn't make it a bad read in any way. I too didn't agree with everything. However, a good read in my opinion isn't meant to satisfy one's ideology but have the reader feel challenged and motivated to understand another perspective. This is what this book did for me."
"I am a therapist focusing on love and relationships. How to Not Die Alone captures the best advice on love for singles AND those in relationship. It is charming, succinct and practical. Logan Ury has made attachment and mating science fun and applicable. I recommend the resources from how to evaluate a date to the relationship contract all the time. The dialogues about how to politely decline are invaluable. This book is like a wise big sister who knows her stuff. I save my clients tons of money and time by working with them as they read this book. It’s a fast track to a meaningful partnership and life!"
Books quotes:
"Most of us have no idea what kind of partner will fulfill us long term."
"Great relationships are created, not discovered."
"“It was so exciting,” Vivian said. “I’d wonder: Will he call me back? Can I see him this weekend?” That possibility of rejection created anxiety, a feeling Vivian confused for butterflies. And when the guy started pulling away, she felt it even more intensely."
"Couples who wait at least three years before engagement are 39 percent less likely to get divorced than those who get engaged before a year."
10. "The Millionaire Fastlane" (MJ DeMarco)
Best Sellers Rank: #5,699 in Books.
- #53 in Entrepreneurship (Books)
- #84 in Motivational Management & Leadership
- #213 in Success Self-Help
Amazon reviews:
"MJ's book is probably one of the best business books I have read in my entire life, and to be frank I rarely ever say that about most books I read."
"Awesome book. It delivers advice thats to the point and not at all filled with repetitive fluff. The best part about the book is the ability to inspire you to get up and drive down you're own road."
"The books rewires your mind on the truth of the life. You cannot become a millionaire by saving 10 percent of your earnings. I am into entrepreneurship and i was having any doubts by reading books like richest man in Babylon, think and grow rich, Rich Dad poor dad. This book is the ultimate entrepreneurial guide. And Mj Dr Marco can be your mentor."
Books quotes:
"Stop thinking about business in terms of your selfish desires, whether it’s money, dreams or “do what you love.” Instead, chase needs, problems, pain points, service deficiencies, and emotions."
"Scale creates millionaires. Magnitude creates millionaires. Scale and magnitude creates billionaires."
"Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now. There are only so many tomorrows. ~ Michael Landon"
11. "Traction" (Gino Wickman)
Best Sellers Rank: #392 in Books.
- #4 in Entrepreneurship (Books)
- #7 in Business Management (Books)
- #16 in Leadership & Motivation
Amazon reviews:
"I highly recommend Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman. This book offers a proven framework for achieving business success. One of the key concepts in the book is the importance of integrators. Integrators are individuals who are responsible for making sure that the company's vision is carried out in day-to-day operations. They play a vital role in implementation and ensure that all of the moving parts of the business are working together smoothly. Without integrators, it would be very difficult to make progress and achieve results. If you're serious about taking your business to the next level, I suggest you read this book and put its concepts into practice. You won't be disappointed."
"This is a great smashup of a lot of really good business ideas in one place, helpfully combined into concrete actions that relate to one another. I have had the good fortune of working for large organizations that have systems, processes, and training in place. But let's face it: most of us now work for start-ups, small companies, or are self-employed. This book will help you get the best of a big organization without all the bureaucrazy that comes from being big."
"If every organization used the principles in this book their production/service/outcome would be through the roof and the world would be a better place"
Books quotes:
"Above all else, your leaders need to be able to simplify, delegate, predict, systemize, and structure."
"Clarify your vision and you will make better decisions about people, processes, finances, strategies, and customers."
"A Scorecard is a weekly report containing five to 15 high-level numbers for the organization."
12. "It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work" (Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson)
Best Sellers Rank: #171,303 in Kindle Store.
- #88 in Career Guides
- #116 in Time Management in Business
- #349 in Personal Time Management
Amazon reviews:
"Summer book reading assignment. Light reading. A few useful suggestions. It is more overview vs. am implementation plan. Good things for thought though."
"This book is really concise and straight talking/ no nonsense. Written by two founders of a IT company, they provide actual really directly implementable techniques/strategies to manager your life/company to ensure that it doesn't fall into the same old overwork no balance/stressed out workforce trap. I was surprised at how many radical and precise points/recommendations they give- e.g. working only 32 hours a week during May - September, 30 days sabbatical for workers, etc. I do not own a company, and will probably not likely to in the future, but this book really helped me to rethink what my work is about/what I am to do and question why I keep pushing myself to the max. A really easy read- finished it in a couple of days."
Books quotes:
"A great work ethic isn’t about working whenever you’re called upon. It’s about doing what you say you’re going to do, putting in a fair day’s work, respecting the work, respecting the customer, respecting coworkers, not wasting time, not creating unnecessary work for other people, and not being a bottleneck. Work ethic is about being a fundamentally good person that others can count on and enjoy working with."
"Time-management hacks, life hacks, sleep hacks, work hacks. These all reflect an obsession with trying to squeeze more time out of the day, but rearranging your daily patterns to find more time for work isn’t the problem. Too much shit to do is the problem."
"Sustained exhaustion is not a badge of honor, it’s a mark of stupidity."
13. "The Great CEO Within" (Matt Mochary)
Best Sellers Rank: #10,188 in Books.
- #15 in Business & Organizational Learning
- #253 in Leadership & Motivation
- #59 in Business Leadership
Amazon reviews:
"The best resource I've found for CEO's of fast-growing companies. The author, Matt Mochary, built his own successful startup, retired for a bit, and then came back to Silicon Valley to coach the top CEOs. This book came out of that project."
"One of the best, that is, most useful, books for the CEO that I have read.
Very practical and very to the point."
"Entrepreneurship is hard. So is management. This is a very good book with solid, actionable advice for people who are in the process of building a company. It’s a short read and something you can come back to again and again."
Books quotes:
"Most companies spend extraordinary resources of time, money, and equity to bring on a new team member, and then almost entirely drop the ball on quickly getting that team member onboarded and up to speed on how the company works so that they can begin making a full contribution. Don’t make this mistake!"
"It’s often easy to make a decision, but it can be much harder to get your team to invest emotionally in that decision."
"You create buy-in when you make people feel that they are part of the decision and that their input contributes to the final outcome."
14. "The New One Minute Manager" (Kenneth H. Blanchard, Spencer Johnson)
Best Sellers Rank: #2,483 in Books.
- #683 in Business Motivation & Self-Improvement (Books)
- #920 in Motivational Management & Leadership
- #1,687 in Business Management (Books)
Amazon reviews:
"My executive coach recommended these books, and I'm so grateful. This and the Monkey Manager revolutionized my management style. I'm more confident, and so is my team. Our company, and by proxy, my department, grew threefold within 2 years. We were exhausted from the constant changes during extremely busy seasons. This helped me get all of us back on track. I had HR order copies for the managers under me, as well. Excited to see them grow, too."
"Purchased to train employees. Good motivational tool"
"I loved this book. It is a short read but the process is very helpful in effective leadership."
Books quotes:
"Everyone Is A Potential Winner. Some People Are Disguised As Losers. Don’t Let Their Appearances Fool You."
"If you can’t tell me what you’d like to be happening,’ he said, ‘you don’t have a problem yet. You’re just complaining. A problem only exists if there is a difference between what is actually happening and what you desire to be happening."
"Our Manager works with us to make it clear what our responsibilities are and what we are being held accountable for."
15. "The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive" (Patrick Lencioni)
Best Sellers Rank: #12,504 in Books.
- #125 in Entrepreneurship (Books)
- #221 in Business Management (Books)
- #314 in Leadership & Motivation
Amazon reviews:
"Many business / leadership books are drudgery. In contrast, this author’s works collected works are entertaining and he makes his points with good story telling. Easy, quick read with salient points so people can drive business more effectively."
"Lencioni tells a fictional story that is so realistic, anyone can relate to it. In fact, most of us will see characteristics of the people in the story in ourselves.This metaphoric prose, is one of the best ways to create personal motivation for change. Most of us have had more than one experience where our own zeal for a powerful concept has fallen on deaf ears as people resist our ideas. We also react this way when we feel others are forcing an idea for personal improvement on us as well. Lencioni avoids this human response by providing a journey through the eyes of others that makes change feel wholesome and beneficial."
"This a great book. If you are an MD, CEO, Senior Manager or would like to be any of the above, Pat Lencioni has incredible insights for you, all neatly packaged in a fable, which is the first half of the book. The second half is a more detailed and systemized outline of the learnings from the fable. I listened to the audio book many times, and read the paper copy which is very nicely produced."
Books quotes:
"But organizational clarity is not merely about choosing the right words to describe a company’s mission, strategy, or values; it is about agreeing on the fundamental concepts that drive it."
"organizational clarity allows a company to delegate more effectively and empower its employees with a true sense of confidence."
"An organization that has achieved clarity has a sense of unity around everything it does. It aligns its resources, especially the human ones, around common concepts, values, definitions, goals, and strategies, thereby realizing the synergies that all great companies must achieve."